Monday, March 25, 2019

Civil Disobedience and the Fight for Inclusion

"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world".

- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The entire article contributed to the movement of women's right, however this particular quote in the declaration of sentiments states that throughout history women have been oppressed by men. The quote follows a list of facts that can support this statement.

I chose this quote, because even today women are still oppressed by men. There are many other examples that can be used to support this quote even in 2019. Women are oppressed in the workplace, statistic show that women are paid less to do the same job a man can do. Women are underrepresented in government. Women overall are at a greater risk of rape and domestic violence. Women are scrutinized on social media and tied to a stigma if they decide to dress a certain way. I hate to speak about certain topics in politics, especially the presidential elections, but there were many people that did not feel Hilary Clinton would be a good president because she is a woman. On television, women are depicted as sexual objects even to sell a bottle of shampoo. Women have progressed since 1848, but the fact of the matter is that the tyranny still exist.

Power and Ideology

"The honorable Senator from South Carolina [John C. Calhoun] the other day alluded to the seperation of that great religious community, the Methodist Episcopal Church. That separation was brought about by differences of opinion upon this particular subject of slavery. I felt great concern, as that dispute went on, about the result. I was in hopes that the difference of opinion might be adjusted, because I looked upon that religious denomination as one of the great props of religion and morals throughout the whole country, from Maine to Georgia, and westward to our utmost boundary. The result was against my wishes and against my hopes. I have read all their proceedings and all their arguments; but I have never yet been able to come to the conclusion that there was any real ground for that separation; in other words, that any good could be produced by that separation."

- Daniel Webster

This particular part of Daniel Webster's speech caught my attention, because his rationale or his lack of understanding for the production of separation of opinion towards slavery baffles me. It is clear that it may have brought economic pressure for those whom owned land and used slavery to make a profit off of their land, but the lack of humanity is just unreal. Webster is convinced that the North's argument holds no validity or was any good to produce a separations. It only shows the lack of respect elites had for human beings. I chose this quote particularly because I recently visited Dominican Republic and visited a market place known to locals as little Haiti. There was a lack of respect between Dominicans and Haitians. Haitian's were discriminated for their dark skin and their poverty. I spoke to two Haitian women that were maids, that provided services like house chores and cooking in exchange for a free room. The room was their only forms of payment and they worked part time selling fruits for cash. It is the only option they have because they come from a very poor country. It makes me wonder how much has the world developed outside of the United States and how many people are living as slaves with no forms of payment in exchange. It also makes me wonder how many Daniel Webster's may still exist today. People often choose to ignore that power can manipulate society. Power can convince people that they are serving a higher purpose and that they have reached the maximum limits of all they can be.